Dear brothers’ and sisters’, with the shifting of US embassy to Jerusalem last month, we have entered a new era in the preparation of end time revival and the preparation of the second coming of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

Our Heavenly Father has revealed many events (to HIS children) that would unfold in the coming days around the world,some of them are:-

  1. Building of the third temple is drawing very close.
  2. The coming of the two Prophets-as per Revelation 11 with the end time prophetic anointing of Moses and Elijah.
  3. Persecution of the church as well as Jews around the world.
  4. End-time revival among the Jews in Israel and around the world.
  5. Millions will come to our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
  6. End-time wealth transfer to God’s people.
  7. Jerusalem will be divided very soon with a war in the middle-east as per Psalm 83.