End Time Prophecies and Visions: End Time Prophecies and Visions: The Prophetical WORD My friends we certainly know that we are living in the last days or the end times but the question is that are we prepared? It’s easy for all of us to believe that we are going to Heaven for sure and others are not.But is God satisfied with the way we are living.We see the signs all around us,but some of us believe that they are not for us they for the world while others think that we have been hearing that Lord JESUS is coming again (since our childhood) but HE hasn’t come yet.My friends all of us need to be awakened Spiritually and stop deceiving ourselves.The self has to die.Spirit has to dominate the flesh and it can only be done with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT.Watch and Pray.Watch and Pray in Spirit.Read and Meditate the Word of GOD in Spirit.Pray for HIS Revelation.Worship in Spirit.You are not alone.You can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens You.HOLY SPIRIT is Your Helper.