The citizen vs the army of GOD

End Time Prophecies and Visions: End Time Prophecies and Visions: In the end times Mind will play as a powerful weapon if it subjected to Lord JESUS CHRIST.As St Paul pray -“Let the mind of CHRIST be in us”.My friends when God created the Universe it was HIS MIND that HE Spoke into the Spiritual and the Natural Realm.Our limited mind can limit God.The last days manifestation of the HOLY SPIRIT can only be understood if we have the mind of CHRIST.We cannot comprehend an infinite GOD with a finite mind.The thoughts that originate in our mind should be subject to the HOLY SPIRIT and be Heavenly minded.The Heart,the mind and our Tongue(confession)has to be according to the WORD OF GOD.Mind cannot wonder here and there.Mind has to be composed and stable and be in one accord with the mind of GOD.The miracles and the wonders that GOD will perform in these last days can only be understood by the people who are not used to tradition but are willing to learn the ways of the HOLY SPIRIT and expect GOD beyond Limit.HE is able to do exceedingly,abundantly above all that we ask or think.Our prayer is that all of us will have the mind of CHRIST to understand the last days move of GOD.