Prophetical Word- LORD JESUS has revealed to HIS PROPHETS that when Br Billy Graham is promoted to HIS ETERNAL ABODE(HEAVEN),This Great Man of God’s Mantle will combine with that Br T.L. OSBORN’S  AND BR ORAL ROBERTS’ MANTLE(The Gospel of Repentance and man of Integrity with Gospel of Signs,wonders and Miracles will combine)and multiply and descend upon the final generation to save the lost at any cost. Millions upon millions shall be saved. That time is very near.

In India the mantle of Prophets like Uncle  D.G.S Dhinakaran and Br John Rabindranath will come on many to raise the Prophets from India who will talk to LORD JESUS CHRIST Face to Face and bring Repentance to many. From India The Gospel shall spread across the world.


The Time table of GOD is really coming to pass.This is my humble request to pray for the city of Jerusalem and the leadership of Israel.Very soon the land of Jerusalem will be divided as per the WORD OF GOD and East Jerusalem will go into captivity(become Palestinian capital).There will be lot of bloodshed in the middle-east.The four horses mentioned in Revelation 6 are really manifesting.There will be an end time sweeping Revival in the middle-east of THE HOLY SPIRIT.Jewish Brothers and Sisters going to be saved.The coming Tsunami of The HOLY SPIRIT will break all barriers across this nation of India and the world.The HOLY SPIRIT will descend upon many denominational churches and they are going to be filled with The HOLY SPIRIT.

The Spiritual activity and Warfare is all time High.But Victory comes in the name and in the Blood of LORD JESUS.When there will be famine across the cities and nations and scarcity of water,The people of GOD will see Abundance and multiplication like 5 loaves and 2 fishes.(Not to hoard for themselves but to help the needy in times of need).Many are going to see the Manna from Heaven.

The anti-Christ and the false Prophet are going to be manifested.The church and its system as we know will drastically change.The days of Acts are about to return when house to house meetings will increase while it becomes difficult to preach/share the GOSPEL openly.LORD JESUS will teach Mysteries of Prayer to HIS people.South India will be the hub of Revival.Tamil Nadu will be like Jerusalem of India.From Southern parts the end time Revival will spread across North India and also to surrounding nations.

Watch-Keep in prayers the coming elections in America.There is a spirit of manipulation that needs to be bound.The Racial riots is also the main focus to be prayed for by the saints.There will be scarcity (looting of food and other products )of food across America in many states.The spirit of assassination is working across the Globe and against the leaders and high ranked people.Kindly Pray in JESUS name.

Also there will be confrontations of European nations and America with China and Russia.

North Korea too needs prayer focus.

Volcano’s will cause much damage across America,Japan and other nations.

The Oceans will roar ,people will be in awe to see the events.

As the coming Jewish feasts, solar eclipse, blood moons manifest the coming seasons will see drastic change in all spheres across the Globe in the latter half of this year and coming 2 years.

Prophetical word-In the coming days many miracles of Resurrection are going to be witnessed across the earth. The New Generation who will be selfless are going to be used to do the Exploits of the LORD. People are going to hear about Testimonies regarding Face to Face literal Encounter with the Living and Loving Savior JESUS CHRIST.New Prayer Groups are going to arise. A company of Martyrs is going to be noticed whose sacrifice will bring Millions to the CROSS.

Amidst spreading diseases and new viruses and bacteria and chemicals being used worldwide(even nuclear radiations),LORD JESUS is going to protect HIS CHOSEN ONES.The world will be at war very soon in the coming months. Brand new inventions and discoveries from natural resources are going to be formed and created which will unleash unimaginable technology which will be even used in the Millennium Reign of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Disasters will increase worldwide. Currencies,share market and economy are going to collapse in the coming months.

The economy of Italy, Spain, Greece, France will shake.Germany will be the sign. When the economy of Germany is shaken, followed by natural disasters and economic collapse in Japan(Tokyo will be affected)then we will see simultaneously the chaos in America from all sides(in fact it has already started).

There will be a Revival in communist countries like Cuba and Russia. The death of Cuba’s former leaders will be a sign.Many saints who have completed their Race are about to leave for GLORY(Eternal Home).Many lukewarm people too will suffer in various ways and some will even backslide while other backsliders who forsook the way of the LORD are going to be drawn back into the kingdom of GOD with Greater Love of God in their lives.

The time of acceleration is here.There is a speeding up of Spiritual activities which will be manifested in the natural.The years long pending Prophecies are going to be fulfilled.

Kindly pray for the WORD OF THE LORD to be fulfilled as per the will of the LORD.


The WORD OF GOD says that in the last days many new doctrines and teachings(heresies)are going to come up drawing millions away from the True Knowledge of LORD JESUS CHRIST. They will deviate from the path of The LORD JESUS thinking that they are absolutely correct. But in the last days the deception has and shall increase as per the WORD OF GOD. People will follow an EASY WAY to reach HEAVEN.LORD JESUS said that in order to follow LORD JESUS CHRIST Many will follow them.

These celestial events mark that something around and in Israel and around the world is about to happen.Nations will be shaken.Many people may ignore what the WORD OF GOD says or what events occur in the Universe but there is something that will happen in Israel.Israel will soon be at war,this is what the LORD has revealed to HIS Prophets.Israel and Iran.Also Psalm 83 will be soon fulfilled.Each red moon or blood moon marks increase of Bloodshed around the Globe.


The mark of the beast will be introduced very soon(in coming years) and it will be impossible for the Christians to buy-sell without its mark.The church must go through the final test.Then the Sheep and the goats will be separated.Those who remain faithful till the end will be saved.Revelation 11,12,13 will be fulfilled.Next few months are very crucial as we head towards American election.The shakings are about to start.Germany,Greece(parts of Europe),Israel,Japan and America will be soon in news.When Japan and Germany’s economy go down and followed by shaking in America then the whole world and the churches will be shaken.Even natural disasters will shake many parts of the earth.The earth will groan.God will give Grace to HIS People to be prepared for the end-times.

Many lukewarm Christians and those with weak and selfish foundations will disappear.Even financial banktrupcy will take place in many ministries and countries.

Only those with Spiritual insight like Prophet Joseph will survive and multiply.

Misconceptions about Prophecy

my friends people have so many myths, wrong teachings and misconceptions about the Prophecies, Prophetical utterances and the nature of GOD. Such people won’t discuss the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation.Sugary coated messages will attract only those who have itching ears and who don’t want to die to self and carry their Cross.

My friends this is what the LORD revealed recently to HIS Servants,the Prophets

The time of fulfillment of Prophecies has come

The Joseph’s mantle,Daniel’s mantle will come upon many

Also many times greater WISDOM than that of King Solomon will come upon this final generation

Many John the Baptist’s will rise up,preaching the pure,True Gospel all over the world bringing millions to the LORD.

Angels as they directed Cornelius in Acts will direct those who are walking in the fear of the LORD and are True seekers,will find the LORD the same way.They will be directed to the Apostles and Prophets and 5 fold ministry

This year will see last of the 6 blood moons,which signifies the beginning of blood shed and dying of many

Next year is solar eclipse in America is symbolic of coming shaking in America.

Many Christians and so called believers/Christians and other people will see untimely deaths and sicknesses

Even leaders or preachers or people in the church slandering others and walking in hate and jealousy will also be shaken.Love and Forgiveness is the key.

Technology and medical science will make tremendous leap beyond  imagination, many diseases will be curable or treatable like cancer,Alzheimer’s,diabetes.

Many celebrities will give their lives to the LORD JESUS CHRIST,including players of different sports will openly confess their faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Instant Miracles will be done and prayers will be answered at 1 stroke when the final Glory will be manifested. It is about to happen.

Many believers and preachers will fall away from Faith and follow New,False and wrong doctrines.

doctrines and spirits of balaam, jezebel, asteroth, baal, kas-deya will be dominant.

The army of GOD is being prepared, to fight the battle.There is an army,prepared in HEAVEN, will join the army of GOD on earth. This will be an unprecedented,move of GOD on earth.

1-Very Soon Europe will again see lot of blood shed.

2-Germany and Greece will see decline in Economy

3-When Germany’s Economy shakes and then Japan will be shaken by Earthquakes(Tsunami) and Volcanoes,(Mt Fuji),the Tokyo stock exchange will be affected heavily and Asian markets will collapse.

4-The roll over effect will be visible in Global economy including America

5-The Yellow stone Volcano will erupt in America that is going to effect the Atmosphere in America.

6-End time Revival wave will sweep across as never before

7-Millions will be healed and saved in one meeting.

8-Certain Gospel meetings will see many dead being raised to life and Glory will descend and will be visible in many Churches,Homes,Meetings

9-Kings(Prime Ministers’,Presidents).High level officials,Dignitaries,celebrities,Sports Personalities will openly declare the Glory of GOD.

10-Even amidst Earthquakes where many will die, Anointed ones will raise  dead back to life.

11-Prophet Joseph’s mantle will descend on many

12-The Wisdom that was in King Solomon will be Restored with many fold increase in this Final Generation 

13-Nameless,Faceless,selfless Generation will arise to shake the world

14-Many Mega churches will see decline and Disappear from the scene(especially those not Preaching the Full Gospel and according to the times” and the seasons’).Ministries will even file for bankruptcy

15-America’s days are numbered,very soon the country will be shaken in different ways.The whole world will be in awe

16-Israel is the clock.Must pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.Very soon as per the book of Zech 14 Jerusalem will be divided and then New Madrid in America and California will be shaken by Earthquakes.

17-Haggai 2:6-10 will soon be fulfilled.

18-World’s economic system will collapse and so will International currencies like Euro and Dollar

Very soon talks for one world Govt, Economy,Religion(including false church),will be visible

19-The Third Temple in Jerusalem will be built soon

20-Doctrinal pride,worldly pride,Sky scarpers(towers,buildings)will fall and various prides will fall,even Spiritual pride.God will Humble many and Raise the Humble


  • 22-At the same time the world will see the Greatest ever Miracles, signs and wonders happening in the name of JESUS,YESHUA MESSIAH.
  • The Greatest harvest, the Golden harvest of souls will be Reaped.
  • The end is near,lets pray as GOD LEADS

23-India will witness The Greatest Ever Revival in the History of the church.There will be tremendous shaking in all realms here(natural disasters,bloodshed,wars etc)but God will manifest HIS End time  Anointing in the land of India

24- Australia too will see huge earthquakes but the Greatest Harvests of souls as well.

25- More plagues and viruses will spread across the Globe.The four horses of the book of Revelation are already in manifestation but God’s healing and miracle working Power will be much Greater.