Dear friends as we all have been hearing about 23rd September 2017, that a sign will appear that resembles Revelation 12 sign (in the skies).Genesis 1:14 tells us that all these celestial happenings are sign from God unto us. In this article we will just see in brief that what is happening today i.e. on 23rd September in the skies and what is its significance?

There is a constellation Virgo ( spiritual meaning is Virgin) conceived Jupiter in December 2016 and will be releasing Jupiter (in Hebrew Jupiter means “Father that helps”) on 23rd September and will be seen as if Jupiter is between Virgo’s legs.The book of Revelation mentions about 12 stars and here we notice that 9 stars plus three others i.e. Mercury (Hebrew meaning Savior), Venus(meaning bright morning star) and Mars(red planet which signifies war) will be visible along with Virgo and the next constellation near it is constellation Leo (Hebrew meaning Lion of Judah), which has a deep significance in Spiritual realm. This sign will be visible over Jerusalem. On 23rd December UN passed a resolution (article) 2334 to divide Israel as per pre-conditions that existed before 1967, six day war. On 23rd September exactly nine months are completing. This sign has many aspects attached to it. Moreover this sign is taking place during the feast of the Lord. We already saw the destruction that came recently to the American region post Solar eclipse.God is declaring something in the heavens’. Don’t ignore the signs my friends. Some important changes prophetically taking place in the coming seasons are:-

  1. Changes coming in Israel.
  2. The Lion of Judah shall roar over the nations.
  3. Changes coming in churches.
  4. The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in its wings as per Malachi 4:2
  5. The Glory light of the Lord will rise over the people.
  6. New generation rising up to do exploits for the world.
  7. A war is coming at an international level (war between the nations).
  8. Persecution is coming all around the world to the body of CHRIST.
  9. New Anointing to be poured upon God’s people.

There are so many other changes about to take place in the coming times and the seasons. Kindly visit the teachings of other Prophets around the world who have been given a revelation regarding this sign. Let us pray and seek the Lord like never before.

God willing to be continued…