Prophecies given to the Prophets-1
Dear people of GOD,the following are the few points of Prophecy given to the Prophets of GOD for the year 2017 and onward:-
1)A Complete cycle of 70 years is coming to an end.This is the year of 70.Number 7...
Latest News-Israel
UN Security Council passes anti-settlement resolution, US abstains
The United Nations Security Council voted on Friday to adopt a resolution condemning Israeli settlement activity as illegal, and demanding that Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the 'occupied'...
Prophetic update and Fulfillment
Dear people of God,it was really shocking to hear the home going(passing of) Br Kim Clement.He was a mighty man of an Almighty God and had an incredible Anointing upon his life.He touched the lives of so many people...
Dreams and Visions-1
Dear people of God,Dreams and Visions are a Gift from God to everyone.In Joel 2:28,29 Bible clearly talks about last days Prophetical Anointing.It includes Dreams and Visions as an essential component of last days Prophetical Anointing.God willing we will...
Primary calling
My Dear Brothers and Sisters
God made man(Adam) in HIS own image and likeness.GOD used to communicate with man everyday.HE used to visit man in the cool of the day to talk to man.But after sin man was separated from...