Revival in dictionary means to Restore or re-fuel or vigor. But in the history of The Church many Pioneers have defined it in their own way, According to Latin meaning, Revival means to Receive life again, to receive again a life which was nearly extinguished ,to rekindle into a flame or spark.
Since the days of Apostles the word Revival has become somewhat familiar with the body of CHRIST. It is only the HOLY SPIRIT who is the source of every Good thing. Revival has been the result of mighty move of The HOLY SPIRIT over the spoken Word of GOD in gatherings , groups, meetings and churches. Prayer has been the key in every Revival in the history.
Time and again whenever people sacrificed, interceded, prayed to the living God, HE has been Gracious to confirm HIS Word with Great Power and Glory. Most of the Revival movement started off with one man of God praying in closet(hiding), then spreading like wild fire (contagious fire)among the groups followed by masses and resulting in Healing and Salvation.
One of the Great Revivalist after St Paul is considered to be Br Charles Finney. He had the portion of seven Spirits of God resting upon His life, especially the Spirit of the Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord(Isaiah 11:2).Wherever this great man of God went people without their knowledge fell slain in the Spirit, the addicted ones were set free by The power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Even before he finished his sermon, the HOLY SPIRIT came on people in an awesome way. The atmosphere of the HOLY SPIRIT around him drew people to LORD JESUS CHRIST automatically.
Br John Wesley(founder of Methodist church) preached standing on his dead father’s tomb in the graveyard and people came running to listen to him in the graveyard itself. (He asked for hundred men who feared to do sin and would surely shake the world).By God’s grace today Methodist church is there all over the world. He worked tirelessly for the Gospel.
The beginning of 1900’s saw the Azusa street Revival that shook the world. There was also Welsh Revival earlier that revived the people.Then came the Voice of Healing in 1940’s with Br William Brehnam, Br A.A Allen, Br Jack Coe,Br Gordon Lindsay, also Br Stephen Jeffrey,Br George Jeffrey,Br F.F Bosworth,Br T.L. Osborne,Br Lester Sumrall,Br Oral Roberts,Br John G Lake,Br Alexander Dowie,Sis Kathryn Kulhman,Br Smith Wigglesworth and many others brought Healing power of LORD JESUS CHRIST to their generation.
1970’S saw the Great Charismatic move of God across the world.1980’S saw move of the WORD OF GOD through Br Kenneth Hagin, Br Kenneth Copeland and other men and women of God.Br Paul Yongi Cho prayed much and God heard his prayers and brought Revival in South Korea. Almost one third of South Korea came in CHRIST.1990’S saw the great move of God in Pensacola (America).God used Br Reinhard Bonnke and Br Benny Hinn with his healing power in continents like Africa and the world. Br Billy Graham has been used since 1940’s to evangelize the whole world with The Glorious Gospel around, even to be a Blessing to the leaders of the world.Br DGS Dhinakaran,Br Sadhu Sundar Singh,Br Bakht Singh,Br John Joseph and Br John Rabindranath touched the land of India in a Powerful way.
Now my friends God is ready to pour out HIS Spirit on all flesh (Revelation 10:11,Joel 2:28,29).The Prophetical Anointing is ready to be released as never before. The seeds of Revival that People of God have sown over the years will reap a final Golden Harvest. A company of Prophets and Martyrs and Apostles will rise up to shake the world in the power of The Holy Spirit. Lord has revealed to His Prophets that India will be the hub of Last days Revival. Lord will honor the blood and the martyrdom of St Thomas on Indian soil. Revival will begin from South India and spread across the North India and around the world. On the other hand Jewish Brothers and Sisters across the globe will cry out to the living God and God will grant Mercy and Miracle of Salvation to them. My Dear Brothers and Sisters the time has come for final Revival. The Power’s of the Age to come will be manifested. The Greatest Power of the Most High God will sweep across the earth. The miracle of Re-creativity will be manifested in a powerful way. Middle-east nations will see the Greatest move of God as never before. In fact, it has already started. People are having Face to Face encounter with LORD JESUS CHRIST. Nameless, faceless and selfless generation will arise with no personal agenda but only LORD JESUS CHRIST as the centre of Focus and Glory. Many unusual things will happen as never heard or seen or even thought before. Millions are going to be saved at one stroke by the HOLY SPIRIT.HIS name shall be Glorified. Lord is preparing HIS Army and Bride for the Revival and the Rapture.
Let us all Pray fervently and meditate on the Word of God and spent more time at the feet of Lord JESUS CHRIST. May Precious HOLY SPIRIT help us in every way.